31 December 2005


i saw a bottle that looked like Gordon's gin
on th bathtub ledge

it turned out to be th almond bubble-bath
i bot th day before
but out of drink
i hung my head and took a swig anyways

and that was th day i resolved to quit drinking
bubble bath

29 December 2005

xmas from th bottom of my glass

(used to) make love on xmas

it is our first creature
th joy & pain of everyday life

you cannot chose yr family
or who stands before you

backbeat sad &
when th fight anthems
blow in our heads
and blow & blow
til th enemies face is red
w/ blood and hardly
stand we
wonder space of mind
listening to th peace of time

or walking back from th game
at th pub
in our brothers
& our family
is stumble grace

it is xmas –
winter flowers & cheese logs

to make
th trauma fashionable

times of man
this season
& again
can’t be

baby jesus
& this train -

for grandma
we go a lookin’

27 December 2005

why to k

snorting lithium lines
off a mirror
( like kurt did

i wanna do like someone


i wanna have sometimes
for my own
( feelings

w/o th bullethole
( isn’t that sad ?

26 days of bb

Skinny whale neck and bikini
Burn deeper than Ah
lung sex s n a n a
Sand monster tiny hell belly
et bul
let ah
Take cult and
me tremble

Messy moi is
in u red is ded candy
Th evening start'd
in flowers and seatbelts but
Feel myself coming out of retirement
for this one

25 December 2005


23 December 2005

b invited [from "th bp chronicles"]

“life is just a random assortment of meaningless tragedies and a series of near escapes”
fone off / need sleep
          after round after round    of golden tee
th game is all ready
in long emails & gay martinis ; i dont think
i’ ll run tonight
no , no what are you doing tonite
it is her grad today
so have a good time
w/ all those young girls (have a fundraiser for age
i don’t think I’ll have th energy for that
8mean while in to
Queen street in a jet
b invited if you were here
but you are not / you say you don’ t hate me
but do you remember
that time I took you away
from th hockey game?
after coffee baths ( car rides ( jobs ( coffee )
time difference is too big
to wait up ~
it’s tough when you're out late on yr time
who is Troy?  he sounds depressing           
               [ remember those big Sicilian olives we used
to see who could stuff more in their mouth
and my mouth was bigger so i always won
but you were sneaky and never lost ]
it was th same addiction
bloody well twice

21 December 2005

a pint of lite, no doubt


          she asks me
if I can
not do that
                                     and I say that I can

20 December 2005


                      i made love
                                                                to my body          double

being w/ vigo

we sit around his loft and have a few drinks –
stare at th painting on th wall
i know i am as good as bound
to feel
a different impression
            a dirty patron
who gags girls
lime margarita skies
            he somehow gets away
w/ carving emotions
out of blue eyes
says we are all animals
and snorts
a fine line
they don’t know me, he says, and whether that is tender
youth or a sick obsession, I wonder
( staring at the marilyn manson painting on the wall::
he says he likes th idea
of two cocks and can relate
to one and th other
but admits he cannot feel either
            pin up                riddle in
pin down a story abt beauty
            untouch  able ;      
i find two eyes almost as unimaginable by this time
; as a purse
hits the floor ;

19 December 2005

v or w

prostitu is il
angels are un
                                                             cucumber + green tea
              when guns
make love
some one
got th wings
off that girl

18 December 2005

i mill ( dead man's stacks

17 December 2005


i dunno i just hear la la la


i dunno i just hear dinnerbells


fuck let's just turn it all to poetry

good morning good morning good

lines – john lennon’s death – 2005 – like it was today [ yeah / yeah part one ]
sleeping  sleeping
wish i could stay sleeping
until th floor spun
until th universe closed
me out
. dreamt of gun violence (NY
where every 3rd drink is free
i awoke
think if i awoke outside
on this sunny winter day
would a man
ask for my autograph
would he gun me down
never th wonder land
my own death
but pepper
so often
in someone else s
uninspired and bare
feet reach for th carpet
( think:: feet can only b inspired by hot sand )
th room is humid heaving
breath of nighty death now
lissen lissen...
you are in th apt above me they are
sounds woman / let's protest footsteps
              [ whatwereyoudoingwhenjohnlennondied
whatwereyoudoingwhenjohnlennondied ]
                                my mother was born in war
she was part of th British Invasion
on th day he died
when I was in th womb, she lost me –

i was born in a war

16 December 2005


15 December 2005

radio werewolff

so msg me an apple
through th ruins of this city
through th veins of a prostitute
     th trees as yr spine
radio where wolff (every
forty years ago
in th cover of darkness
ppl were hanging from these trees
                        a woman was  swimming
(alive we / always b

14 December 2005

dogs dont die (k-2)

to be so small and swept
downstream amidst sticks
and stones so
but to snort
and dog paddle as we werr
            swept away by a mass
glacial retreat
thinking abt big black nuts
cuz we were listening
to th snoop d-o double g
in th truck on th drive out
we climb highr
th seedlings of pines
to throw th dogs deepr
             a sassy golden retrievr
and a tenacious wolff-husky
it was th best time
( glacial till swept across us
to cover
th continent

13 December 2005


relax th axe of fashion
inside as pure as trash
           climb in
so cute
    and smash
in th pout


11 December 2005

discordia concors (in blue)

swans ii

i didn’t take it for nothing
didnt hit th trig of it all
th divine fck of it all
didn’t question th shit smell
that rose from
where teenagers left their used condoms
and beer bottles
           th tourist value remains high 

swans i

   walkd down th path
an older couple from Britian
of wealth and her large breasts and black bathing suit
w/ gold trim sat down beside me and he didn’t get in
but watchd me from a rock in his blue suit
watch her tits sway in th gentle forces
of th sulphur-tinged water

10 December 2005

blush anjou

seamless pear prairie bride
veins wave
heat th wheat
este th breast
isa me

dogs dont die [k-1]

we laughd as we threw dogs
off th bank
and into th rushing white water
laying boundaries b/w man and pet
wild through th trees
charges of stream pressure
and crash
            th calls of white swans and grizzly bears
are intense sneaks
and wherever you are, it comes so still
so still and rolling over
quieter than grass in th breeze
here it comes th melody
rises and catches th summer sun
so ravens can go solar

and oh th dogs run up th bark
banking on another toss
into th white waters

                                                           drunk ski jump / ski jump drunk

09 December 2005

fishin at th gates of hell

you take yr river
and ill take mine
you end up in
shiny superman castles
sipping starfucks
i end up out
hanging from a totem pole
or trapped in a fishing village
you take my mind
and ill take yrs
            and we end up
fishin at th gates of hell

sleeper car

i waited for th train
and th nxt train

and i waited for th train
after that
and th nxt train

waited for th train some
one to get off th train,
a girl by herself
a girl all alone

i waited for some one to take home
to get off the nxt train

b/c i met you on a train

b/c i met you on th nxt train

08 December 2005

john lennon ~ RIPepperland

a very Merry Xmas
and a happy New Year
let's hope it's a good one
without any fear
  • shot ded
  • props to sirius & th bbc for th tribute

  • 07 December 2005


    i thot nothing in this world
    ever happend

    until i came


    & i thot nothing
    in this world ever happend

    until i came

    welcome to pg...

    05 December 2005

    rob budde flickers in ctown (02december05)

    friday night, poet rob budde brought Flicker down to 8th ave. off th cold street, into th bookstore McNalley Robinson, and upto th café. servers in black hustled to get drinks and clear tables. jackets were slung over chairs. budde’s posse hunkerd down at th table next to the podium.

    a stack of his new book of poems, Flicker, was at th back near th shelves. th hues of its cover blended into th warm glow of th café. th night, which by now everyone knew, pressed unthreateningly up against th windows – yet th evidence was there: red marks upon cheeks and th tips of ears.

    budde got up and explaind th flicker. its form is short prose; microfiction; a story that fits on a page; a moment in time. flickers mimic memories – vivid; composed; each symbol of th mind’s eye a meaning. he says, th content is personal. poetry is th only way. for a moment we are w/ him – on a beach, in a bookstore: flickering.

    then he read A Sleep of Faith: a chapbook that dreamd its way into th pages of Flicker. th café driftd on the wakes of sleep as he read, sleep, sleep, and once in awhile he jolted everyone back w/ a syringe, or a hard fuck.

    he signed books, and talkd. drinks were put back. th jazz came, and we hustled. back onto cold 8th ave, w/ th friday nighters, into th vicious circle.

    Rob Budde is currently teaching creating writing and critical theory at UNBC. Flicker is available.

    02 December 2005

    later, invo (we turn to gold)

    th order of these words th mis
    spellings th etc
    winter came of a small rocky
    mtn town ~ during th longest
    summer job ever
    / as i leave this avalanche
    comes to an end at th base
    of say
    storm mtn, or swansea… a small
    number of good ppl / a dog w/ th
    personality of a manipulative woman /
    green bottles w/ red stars / th
    protection of th kootenay water
    shed / th camera eye of british
    columbia ,she wa is th perfect model ~
    thanks for stopping by in this time
    of my life ……times i felt so strong.
    now part II like wwII
    is a darker journey, north into smog
    dirty snow, camoflage ,the center..
    darkness at th bottom
    of a bowl,
    th land of ken and barry / where
    we watch logging trucks go by
    and wonder abt eskers /rob;
    north closing in on
    prince george
    (dont know what you got / til you lose it all again)

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