20 December 2005

being w/ vigo

we sit around his loft and have a few drinks –
stare at th painting on th wall
i know i am as good as bound
to feel
a different impression
            a dirty patron
who gags girls
lime margarita skies
            he somehow gets away
w/ carving emotions
out of blue eyes
says we are all animals
and snorts
a fine line
they don’t know me, he says, and whether that is tender
youth or a sick obsession, I wonder
( staring at the marilyn manson painting on the wall::
he says he likes th idea
of two cocks and can relate
to one and th other
but admits he cannot feel either
            pin up                riddle in
pin down a story abt beauty
            untouch  able ;      
i find two eyes almost as unimaginable by this time
; as a purse
hits the floor ;

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