17 December 2005

good morning good morning good

lines – john lennon’s death – 2005 – like it was today [ yeah / yeah part one ]
sleeping  sleeping
wish i could stay sleeping
until th floor spun
until th universe closed
me out
. dreamt of gun violence (NY
where every 3rd drink is free
i awoke
think if i awoke outside
on this sunny winter day
would a man
ask for my autograph
would he gun me down
never th wonder land
my own death
but pepper
so often
in someone else s
uninspired and bare
feet reach for th carpet
( think:: feet can only b inspired by hot sand )
th room is humid heaving
breath of nighty death now
lissen lissen...
you are in th apt above me they are
sounds woman / let's protest footsteps
              [ whatwereyoudoingwhenjohnlennondied
whatwereyoudoingwhenjohnlennondied ]
                                my mother was born in war
she was part of th British Invasion
on th day he died
when I was in th womb, she lost me –

i was born in a war

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