30 September 2005
th last vacation
i've been there
took th sky
but only waited
saw venus
and music too
th sad guys made
faces, faces, spaces for more faces
see you soon, tune; music of salt
water and everywhere
we've been but to heaven
seat sales on now, or maybe Rome;
swallow saltwater
to remind us of
Juventas..and everything after
took th sky
but only waited
saw venus
and music too
th sad guys made
faces, faces, spaces for more faces
see you soon, tune; music of salt
water and everywhere
we've been but to heaven
seat sales on now, or maybe Rome;
swallow saltwater
to remind us of
Juventas..and everything after
uncare along th shore, so deeper now go'er
Th valves of my heart are controlled
by jellyfish
Where does the moon go at tide
wonder the crabs
Curtains and jets
shallow water and no fear of death
Th violence aquatic is silent
dilute and waver down
like twice as bad th sof tail of th trout
no sex and vanilla candles
c’mon rain
and put out th fire
gasoline wrists
and Christmas fists
been awhile since I’ve been kicked around like that, she says
and smile
leave it alone c’mon
the opening in her skin
she thinks it’s th moon
chelsea me and certainly
a slow cut as night
disappears delicious
and hell is an apple of a storm
mad morning
leaving desire
is like a staircase
th shower is laughing
and she is crying
dream again
dream again
please how can i know how can night guess this
was a friend ever a friend
was a boy ever a boy
funny everybody all full
and no one else cares
the poet rose
th poet rose higher
and began skywriting;
then finally it all slipped,
dots and curves became signals,
th pages grew longer and began to change color
as would autumn leaves
falling to
a resting place
and began skywriting;
then finally it all slipped,
dots and curves became signals,
th pages grew longer and began to change color
as would autumn leaves
falling to
a resting place
25 September 2005
poisond apples
how to fall in love on th last night -
hours dribble down lips of
lower, lower
the way she shined
in a natural state of
airplane in autumn
or a dream sky
m plume nothing
and a woman i know
abandoned on heaven's
dark patio
she looked a lot better
when i used to spy on her
it didn't happen
over&over in th dark kitchen
it didn't happen
a sublte wind through a window
can blow maps off a wall
that seems so random
th monosyllabic white man of the future
hours dribble down lips of
lower, lower
the way she shined
in a natural state of
airplane in autumn
or a dream sky
m plume nothing
and a woman i know
abandoned on heaven's
dark patio
she looked a lot better
when i used to spy on her
it didn't happen
over&over in th dark kitchen
it didn't happen
a sublte wind through a window
can blow maps off a wall
that seems so random
th monosyllabic white man of the future
24 September 2005
th trees took away my love
th tree walked in
to autumn
th season of sleeves
unkind and leaves
cold, friday night th hunter’s daughter
in th back seat of a pickup
to autumn
and treason
candle moon
on a glass lake
explains my reflection
slumped back not ready to strike
never thinking and then
th tree walked in
drunk as a hunter
branches her
little opening for eyes
mobs of red lipstick white
teeth meet battle
head in back seat
scarf on th vinyl
th blacksmith
th original weapon
th chemist
th rapist
th crusader
th woman takes humanity,
gives it a nickname
and holds it close to her desert
shut up th curtains
start th confessions
cushion on th floor
finger traces along
her head back skin adorned with faint symbols
military training
religious twist
burn like a fantasy
passion locked up in weapons
she runs into th desert
she runs into th city
it's alright (when there's no choice)
howling like the metric system
as flowers crawl through my window
if you sleep with her
your kids are going to be retarded
aha -
this belief in angels ; in religion
well, saw angels fucking for money
and now I’m walking back to bed
amnesia exodus)
(gunna sleep in
to th silent alarms
apt poet
that's mad a poet in our apartment
defiling our bed gods
can i only imagine –
th cough syrup, gin, and orgies;
hey, he’s got it ::
fucking is
cock writing
his obligation to th flute girl
is in some scent
less or gone
so buck up
drink up buttercups
sick in th bathroom
can’t sleep, blacky
th night and all it’s bubble
stumbles a sleepless poet in our apartment
23 September 2005
her (r
he knew her only in ceremony;
on her knees
he claimed never to have seen her
19 September 2005
i wish only to see it
I feel a change in my life coming
I feel I know how cold is th snow in Africa
I feel romance in bold magazine letters;
But there is never enough time
To stand at the foot of Kilimanjaro –
For that one must be successful
And as Hemingway found
That once we are
We are not.
I feel I know how cold is th snow in Africa
I feel romance in bold magazine letters;
But there is never enough time
To stand at the foot of Kilimanjaro –
For that one must be successful
And as Hemingway found
That once we are
We are not.
18 September 2005
as a man w/ big hands
As a man w/ big hands
So a woman saw soil and
Comes along thinking
Her window eyes
Of this man’s hands
Are moving through glass
She cries a little
And he wonders
Just poor dirty hands
And cool autumn light
make her cry?
Diggin not art
But soil, and her eyes
Stop to admire.
A moment caught
Some where from her
Memories come
And stranger hands
moveth th
Sheath of
Her heart
So a woman saw soil and
Comes along thinking
Her window eyes
Of this man’s hands
Are moving through glass
She cries a little
And he wonders
Just poor dirty hands
And cool autumn light
make her cry?
Diggin not art
But soil, and her eyes
Stop to admire.
A moment caught
Some where from her
Memories come
And stranger hands
moveth th
Sheath of
Her heart
17 September 2005
th nite before th nite before christmas
stole a house on fire
slaughtered th sun and
secretly propped th basement moon up,
and to you down here I came.
your eyes close
around th room (my mind burrows
in th liquid haze of firelight
; she
skates away w/ the wine , dramatic revolver
bodies on a futon , (underwire cuts my chest )
flicker of flame shadows develop on her negative skinfor all th pathetic
loving pictures and nothing :: now
you hear coming silent Iin th folds of fingers tongue releases red bra [ flameth word
“ me ” ! outside th frost bites madder shatter of frozen clouds…snow falls fasterth story burns
/ midnite blow
delirium shut in th attic she (arms love
slips down th basement stairs & finally here
to this basement of glacial affair , time in inches ,, on th nite before th nite before christmas
16 September 2005
american hero
american hero
full of energy
so daring
so simple
american hero
get under your skin
14 September 2005
where'd we go
some sea
men shine
where’d we go
is his tory
th whore swallows
and coughs a smile
where’d we go
kept ii
entering th studio
it took her awhile
th impossible comparision
of a pose
“lie for me,
make pretend
you are mine”, said th camera
12 September 2005
the model holds her accent /
skin held in the tight custody of fashion;
a nightly canvass, is she,
for a stranger’s feast.
skin held in the tight custody of fashion;
a nightly canvass, is she,
for a stranger’s feast.
09 September 2005
she cried
& accused me of only being w/ her for th sex
i was hurt
& explained my emotional side that needed to be fuck'd every once in awhile too
& accused me of only being w/ her for th sex
i was hurt
& explained my emotional side that needed to be fuck'd every once in awhile too
staring at a menu (dining alone)
when she turned purple
i started to kiss her
her name was Bourbon O'day
and was not much older than i
and so many ambulances came for her
i started to kiss her
her name was Bourbon O'day
and was not much older than i
and so many ambulances came for her
06 September 2005
i don't care (get lost)
climbing postcards into th sun
th hour grows
closing eyes until they come un done
th hour ingrows
when sadness left
th novelty was really gone
some slowly darker room
reach’d out for my glass
but nothing was there
nothing to eat
ice cream sits out on th counter
drinking my mothers perfume
for a smooth bipolar mood
[ a somalullaby of sameness afternoons
caught in a grave mattress screw
mouthful of moths
daydream / lying on my side staring at arm hair
th first night was a test and i
crept inside failure w/ sad eyes
silence sucked days
like a moth to a flame
no one smiled back and she
never ended
fell waiting for a guy
in my head
hollow lake
cherry aspirin
cold candles and soul comets
half-empty shampoo bottles
warning labels
rub it in my eyes
a shot of cold gin
another shower
05 September 2005
oh i just lost control / lost control again
lying on th floor
i am beautiful german girl
and th joy division has just arrived at my parents' door.
wanna see myself b swallow'd
by candle flame children
& light my bedroom walls a' fire -
bad girl
she black she
w/o race but not nightmare (come in.
u know,
wax drunk abt death
& slip into a bottle of pills,
just to bring it all back up.
night windows are only reflections
and hell is
just another one of those mornings after
looking in.
they use me
they use my reflection laughs -
lying on th floor
i am beautiful german girl
and th joy division has just arrived at my parents' door.
wanna see myself b swallow'd
by candle flame children
& light my bedroom walls a' fire -
bad girl
she black she
w/o race but not nightmare (come in.
u know,
wax drunk abt death
& slip into a bottle of pills,
just to bring it all back up.
night windows are only reflections
and hell is
just another one of those mornings after
looking in.
they use me
they use my reflection laughs -
even birds laugh
Dream city sleep eyes
blackness drives tired eyes;
ledges as high as sidewalks
are taught to us as cliffs of death.
2000 sparrows descend upon my backyard
squacking and laughing w/ spring, come in.
Th thought of plump red berries,
wintry plumage silver & white,
tarry away with the birds’ little minds
as I watch from my bedroom window
black streaks swift along the snow.
The winter was so cold & right;
snowflakes the size of my head
melt to black dirt and
the birds still laugh (see fuck pg poem).
blackness drives tired eyes;
ledges as high as sidewalks
are taught to us as cliffs of death.
2000 sparrows descend upon my backyard
squacking and laughing w/ spring, come in.
Th thought of plump red berries,
wintry plumage silver & white,
tarry away with the birds’ little minds
as I watch from my bedroom window
black streaks swift along the snow.
The winter was so cold & right;
snowflakes the size of my head
melt to black dirt and
the birds still laugh (see fuck pg poem).
sunshine bleeding
blonde surf surf shorts
risen from a valley of blue
tongue tracks across sister
(when u say my name
fine lines
small town authority
minimal balance
can’t remember th ride back
do u have a wine opener ?
do u have a porch ?
do u have a staircase and a dress ?
impulsoline –
stand under candles
cocaine & body trains faux - hawk
sleep yourself , bethel tomor your eyes will be bled ;
from a parkbench
I told her th story wasn’t meant to be funny
And she laughed
And I wondered
As all th birds died and fell from th sky at once
And she laughed
And I wondered
As all th birds died and fell from th sky at once
st cloud
condo sundown over quiet sunday Paris
pot of mussels, steamed in white wine, herbs, & cream
bottles of pinot-noir opened freely and passed around
here, try this one
very fine , very fine
laugh & laugh
cousin & girlfriend
fill me up on this splendid nite
th rusted towers glow beautiful orange
burning pianos outlast th violins
smile & moving hands that brush
drink drink drink
eat eat eat
smile smile smile
here, this cheese is fine
we haven't seen you in awhile
my film
absinthe sun
absent son
04 September 2005
good mourning monsanto
my crop sways in th morning mist of(neurosis)
marble mother arms
monsanto trucks spray
coffee to envenom th un
birds w/ fists
th insect wants a perfect body [assassinos]
was a market-assistedbreeding program abt life science
a tes
became mute / refused food / saw a fairy , called me a cloud
and much debate on where that fence should be in my mind
more veils
more veils glass doors / rigor mortis
fertilize th deep tunnels of fuck
now imagining myself
suffocating long enough for a smile
still drink to climb
hunter of th black mtn
fresh and sweet he drunk faces
dear petals doom chases
rose edge and moon stare
roots stiffen burr
( th plants debate nightly
sounds like a revolt in flowers
they are not taking their medication
they have tot themselves to write )
hybrid rain
hip-hop genetics
and find out if
it's supposed to
be at me
taking th heaven blanket down
to th last falling leaf
(still feel alone after th injection)an empty field in every direction
we fall down wells
well why did you stay
b/c i fell in love
that's not a good reason
well it was at th time
03 September 2005
as sure as i am
i'll kick you out into th night
i swear
if you go home w/ me
i'll kick you out into th night
i swear
if you go home w/ me
i'll kick you out into th night
wandering pedestal
drive those sweet roads
th 2 lanes of life & death
th heart-pit stops
makes hands out of nothing but
come she says
one more lover
one less life
never, and all i've heard
~sea sons
fall just a step away
and winter was warm inside ( really?
storm in my speech
where does th hurricane holds its water
and no one listens to a simple
can't reality man stop th trucks
how beautiful new tires can be tho
we live to drive and be free
to take right turns
and reveal misery in war again
but how can it feel a moment
tangle, car crash
shadowy sludge
no beautiful & comment
time spina reason
time spina reason
th 2 lanes of life & death
th heart-pit stops
makes hands out of nothing but
come she says
one more lover
one less life
never, and all i've heard
~sea sons
fall just a step away
and winter was warm inside ( really?
storm in my speech
where does th hurricane holds its water
and no one listens to a simple
can't reality man stop th trucks
how beautiful new tires can be tho
we live to drive and be free
to take right turns
and reveal misery in war again
but how can it feel a moment
tangle, car crash
shadowy sludge
no beautiful & comment
time spina reason
time spina reason
02 September 2005
why'd u (for past)
why'd u say
my past like that
why'd u
after all this street i've been on
why do we need 5 senses when only one will take us to th station?
look forward to
no end to
th past