climbing postcards into th sun
th hour grows
closing eyes until they come un done
th hour ingrows
when sadness left
th novelty was really gone
some slowly darker room
reach’d out for my glass
but nothing was there
nothing to eat
ice cream sits out on th counter
drinking my mothers perfume
for a smooth bipolar mood
[ a somalullaby of sameness afternoons
caught in a grave mattress screw
mouthful of moths
daydream / lying on my side staring at arm hair
th first night was a test and i
crept inside failure w/ sad eyes
silence sucked days
like a moth to a flame
no one smiled back and she
never ended
fell waiting for a guy
in my head
hollow lake
cherry aspirin
cold candles and soul comets
half-empty shampoo bottles
warning labels
rub it in my eyes
a shot of cold gin
another shower
# posted by hardyf : 20:18