17 September 2005

th nite before th nite before christmas

stole a house on fire
slaughtered th sun and
secretly propped th basement moon up,
and to you down here I came.
your eyes close
around th room (my mind burrows
in th liquid haze of firelight
; she
skates away w/ the wine , dramatic revolver
bodies on a futon , (underwire cuts my chest )
flicker of flame shadows develop on her negative skin
for all th pathetic
loving pictures and nothing :: now
you hear coming silent Iin th folds of fingers tongue releases red bra [ flame
                                    th word
“ me ” ! outside th frost bites madder shatter of frozen clouds…snow falls faster
th story burns
/ midnite blow
delirium shut in th attic she (arms love
slips down th basement stairs & finally here
to this basement of glacial affair , time in inches ,, on th nite before th nite before christmas

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