20 May 2006

never be done

listen orange                        sun lake
be th wrong map.
solar our
mud on a toe
screams – 1,000 moskitos;
hair café    (some day)s         dry ice                pink rain         (in a campground
I am supposed to be.driving th praire
im supposed to be stroking 
her arm, but want to stroke her summer eyes.black

forest kiss-kiss seconds
over slow chambord pour. drive through th dry.
th wind
moon glam   sex foto               I’m not hard
to understand,
if you would just love
th what if

"what if love" . . . sounds like regret, but in a prettier dress.
"moon glam sex photo" - oh baby!
i love the end, hardy. "if you would just like the what if love." you're a heartbreaker you are!

and i've said it before, but you really are the most romantic and sensual male poet i've ever read. keep up the fantastic work.
i wrote "if you would just like" but obviously, it's "if you would just love"

some subconscious effect at work there?
thanx girls. i invite you both over for a bbq saturday night, 7pm
will britney spears be there?
is that supposed to say something abt me, den?
i think you had a dream once about britney and bbq . . . or maybe i just dreampt that you dreampt it?
hah, i darn near forgot abt that dream. thanx for giving me that back so i can think abt it at my desk this afternoon. really, brittany was so down-to-earth.
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