30 April 2006


Pendulum breaths in black sunset debts.
            Th drinking startd at 8
in a salmon villa, 
at 11.30 her hips          rose from th stream of         thurs perfecto violet.
concernd fem al spring stagger in heineken philos, darkly please,
enter dim pub
ce carbon hair noir.shine; mercy
            me fuzzy pink sunrise – shut her vanila sle.
Th cowgirl in th sand promised me a fair
chance to grow up – almost cry every shocking apr
night.eyeing th pearl salsa
snaps on her shirt.
There wasn’t any hate in there – oh no Persephone, look ::
green apples again, on this my 27th year.
no harvest only
sour baroque whispers,
had a feeling I was heading back
      into soil philosophy        (eukaryotic violins)
no sun martini
dawn buds at night
.In audible arcs of a hot drunk is conversation momento
rather than mori.says she can stand th taste of green apples, as I
digest those emotions outside my body, like a tangerine hooker
full of flesh pits ( intimate disease (mono and
no house in her move on).
But paint streaks like france above country dances
th deep butter of small towns
churns my mood.once cream, now seems a despair dream.

lots to love about it... especially love the breaks. like the one between hips and rose, or the one between salsa and snaps. and so much more.
thanx d. still wish i was in the bush tho.
there are so many details in the language, the nuance, and the action within this poem... i'm not sure were to begin. i do love the lines:

eyeing th pearl salsa
snaps on her shirt.

so i start there. and i end there.

the tension between characters in contract to the loose-nature of the language (the almost drunken syntax) work so well to balance one another. this poem is magnificent, my dear hardy, magnificent.
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