07 March 2006

mojito poet

don’t get all melancholy over a 30 second dance –
they don’t dance like you dance; so long
mojito poet,

you were single such a long time ago,
and for reasons that you don’t even know,
don’t get all melancholy over a dance. accidents

like when yr eyes made a
wick'd promise to that barfly. a young head is safe
wrapped in mint leaves but when it slips rum to sleep
w/ someone,
in that invisible gown
remember yr body
has already made a promise. and don’t

swallow if you don’t like th taste
of jukebox dust b/c there’s bound to be some on his
mind. stay clear of saliva
webs and maybe offer a moment in th basement
bathroom and slip out th front door instead. or perhaps

think back to how hard it is

to remember nothing, take a look
down th clear glass stairs, and let
th white w/ rum roll
as mint branches bend in th wind.

i was washing my hair upside down in the sink today and thought of you
to me, an amazing compliment, mlle blue.
...everyday life is where it's at.
mmmmmmm mojito. i made one from the last of my cuban rum to toast you, this poem.
hardy my dear,
i absolutly love the way this poem weaves.
rob, mojitos always remind me of that night in ctown you couldn't get one. that was a sad moment.
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