05 February 2006

th additive inside [ tim hortons will kill us in th end ]

lost coffee rain
and in kept mind fingers touch
th heart ~
have one ,
find it mellow
and grey ocean
                        head on
th rocks
standing on th edge
of a god ridge / a buffalo jump
fuck th sunset  [ i tried ]
drank more than flowers
and poured words to th bears
no one ever wanted me        this far off
occurring like a species
    you whole mammal you
so smug
but these are my trees and my wood
and that is yr sand and yr oil
perhaps i am looking for pity
perhaps I need devil repair [ like a red truck / driving to hell ]
science         +        coffee
th only things we have in common
[ tim hortons will kill us in th end ]      b afraid / but dont b scared

i like it i love it. specially the ending.
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