mindchanger clouds grabbed early
th thunder sunrise and from ocean tip
my canoe was taken into an image of th sky
that couldn’t be looked directly at
on a woodsy patagonia sleeve
I was a young child of no lineage
in sex dream
w/ an austrian goddess ( heavy cream breasts
and not much to eat but
killer whale figurines
while my father was locked out of th cabin
I saw angels hold back th gods on foggy coastlines
death was much to big to cure
by way I went to see him
or how she died
on a bed of ocean salt
while I held my breath
sleep dead
to th youth
in breath supernovas
gallows from
th laughs of a husband
and a father in th throws of nature
shooting rapids in golden canoes
thought of a wedding in white water
th Austrian wife and I
sent to th cabin
in th dark she asked me questions
from her sleeping bag across th floor
I watched her breasts in th moonlight
while th men drank when I was 9
# posted by hardyf : 22:29