love me suck me you cant do nothing but sleep baby
to yr disturbd midnight at least i got to say
good bi
to yr sister
while were you sleeping
cant remember
was drunk
bad luck is pale and it was bad luck to celebrate so soon
so a bunch of us and i was drinking
b/c I mist you lots
then we all went back to my basement
then we all listend to yr records
then we all calld you
and i think you were mad
you soundd
hopeless or stoned
blamed me
that you were always on top
sheer volume I desperately said that i was a door
you already opend but please and already in love
w/ th whoa of yr words
that’s a clap-trap
don’t try and paint me
you said
you know what today was
it was our anniversary
and we were once cool holy shit
# posted by hardyf : 09:55