Father gave him
but not enough food so
he strove to nourish his body
by eating his body
dreamt of crimes
today, where we are now
in th ruins
in th night done stabbed
and bleeding ,
knives in th cradle
hands on th cutting board
asleep \ paranoia gets up early
and takes th downtown train
[ zero is th number of days to never ] was his story
before being violated
w/ an axe (again)
were th trees not so cold
were th goddess not a toll sleep [at th speed of mass exodus
at th speed of guilt
seeing less stars
in western blackouts (sandstorms
fight to balance th toll –
in a movie star’s black jacket
up and climbing
ladders into th future
from the observation deck there is not solitude enough
to watch cities light up through th small wires
of suicidal explosions
oh and
as you were
stranded in th most beautiful civilizations ;
man, like a weed
dandelion w/ dreams
body is slowly walking mind is th same
just life and protection from death
sold by th polis
some where there are
no survivors
as history swallows
and coughs a dream
~had enough of dreams and miracle drugs
had enough news to take a flight
had enough beer cans to fund a revolution
but all energy is used
to stand upright
# posted by hardyf : 20:11