in th wind mere
distances escape over th lake
cutting our lovers
out of photos
and laughing
abt where we met
slipping inside ( th grocery store
on a hot saturday night
after th weekend
all of my ice cubes were gone
melted into a drink
while wondering
how to start again in th age of holding hands
walking to th beach
ice cream streams down tongues
and onto toes
th heavy breathing has left
august hot and thirsty
on a small bed next
to an open window
a reunion of telephones
rang in th distance
in love w/ every step until
all eventually go
home to a swing
in th wind
and now
I’m running around th room now
trying to confront this silence
will be back in th forest fires soon
where every other flame
has since gone out
on my knees in a glacial stream
just trying to feel how cold
shoulders kiss goodbye
in an open freezer
tried to sleep
while the darkness was still complete
but th next morning i woke up
and knew you were gone
fragments of life / possible changes
all roads etc
led to a
small town
long july weekend
# posted by hardyf : 21:39