25 July 2006


there is no such thing as karma.

23 July 2006

why i don't believe in karma

el coming
down on me
so I may have met this girl
of my dreams on Friday nite ;
but i mean
iv really been
treating ppl like shit, lately ;
                        from strangers to lovrs
ex machina
but why
should that matter.
other possible title: "perhaps my best is my worst"

18 July 2006

tuesday night (what hurts the most)

the israeli military is moving
into lebanon, i am in the bathtub and
anderson cooper is in the living room.

rascal flatts is on the radio, the hezbollah
are crouched in stone houses, i'm
in the kitchen cutting a zucchini and
a spider
is about
to die.

i am lying in bed, which i re
so i could see the stars.

17 July 2006

missing, and a river of bottled nite

she lay back
on th summer grass
and tipd her head

i askd her if
she was all ready
in her summer
dress, and
she said, no.

she propd herself
up on th blanket
on her elbows
and tipd her head to th stars, and
i pourd some from th bottle of jack daniels
down her lips.

and askd her if
she was ready, and in th silence
listend to th rush of th peace

she said,

i heard a rustle in th bushes
and told her it was a bear,
but she didn’t believe me and I took th bottle
of jack and tipd it back.

i pourd some on her lips and askd if she was ready but she said, not yet.

raven, purple in th moon and
dark wingd on my shoulder, but
thots of her man
known as chief was far
in th back of my head.

and off a nearby bridge i heard him call her name
into th river.

away blowin.

exhaled something abt
as good as a preacher and
twirld th beads on her necklace
along th eyes of a madman.

so i leand over and up liftd
her flower dress
a little bit
and brushd th fair stubble on her

on th flannel blanket
th wilderness kissd us already for hours
and th stars were just over
tips of birches as she archd her neck
to th call of my jack and down some on her lips,

and I askd her if she was ready
and as th rush of th river ran usin th’air, yes, she warbled.

and into her pools i went, wearing th headdress
of th wild.

13 July 2006

th blues
(for serotonin)

ambulance on a toronto night through a bedroom window
is th blues.a beautiful
face alone in a blues bar drinking a rusty nail
is th blues.
a red shoe dancing in th’east upon returning home
is th blues.
                                                tangled lips
are th blues.
                                                                     seeing just th right girl crossing a
gas station parking lot in summer
only 16
is th blues.
th possibility of no more is th blues.
memento mori
is th fucking blues, man.
                                                coming down off mushrooms is da blues.
midnight sun is th norther blues.
confessions are th blues.
                                beating yrself up
is th blues.
                                court on a winter afternoon is th blues.
i can just imagine what th blues would feel like inside me.hope 
sings th
around w/ memories is th blues.billie holiday
on a record player
in a florida room
at 4 a.m.
still drinking scotch
is th blues.
the blues is sleeping around
and having a great time. and even lithium is th blues
                 until yr chemicals balance.

10 July 2006

when it flows

damn wildflowers think
th rain met th ground and conspired to drown them

we were born together on that day

we were born together on that day
i took girl and child and man in hand
we slaved
we were in love
and then died sadly
there is no place on earth like yr
                                                        where i am very
bent with joy

09 July 2006

hauntd look out

troubled river flows h(ea)rtwards.on th banks silently.trans

sunset.algae sleep instead.in a 800dollaramonth basement sweet.lockd.trouble.worry.sacred hill

chardonnay.teeth ript hrough h wake.lung guns shoot kisses.clear green eyes.peace.valley deep.children on th banks making

love.disappear in trucks.killing bugs.rival sister.fumbling w/ zippers.nowadays are missing.where are.not getting out bleeds.let

go.in me.stretchd cherry.coming in a scar.going out a liar.let go.drive.phone me.make ou t/cu t out animal.sixnine.a te

roses.a te t heir stamens.some were silent.lie back.be every body for once.h air on my neck.reproductive.on hers.entangled th ro

at roses.bad breat h

later on.dry river.in th sun.in her h(ea)rt.truck door for voi

ces.troubled river flows h(ea)rtwards.

backroads to backyards

i ,candle
in th sun.alizé drops in th sing of underpines.a-hum sociofade.scuff my workboots in th dirt.golden
retriever just ahead, smelling each
flower alongside th’abandoned road.lifting her leg here and there.yellow tongue in blue sky laps
th back of my neck.tire-track fossils.just after
noon.i felt hotter than ever.hours
away from th nearest town, mind ful of silence.someone logd here.no idea abt existence.beauty mys
connected am no shirt.th heavy calm of passion.fingers are islands, run through mandy’s hair.away to chase a bee.thousands of bees are in th forest.and me, i got coasts.wood wind
you are a child, said th sun,             looking up,       fine hot dusty and small
.don’t be shy, hemlock thirsty.
later  ( in tara’s kitchen mixing long island ice teas; she works for th mof and wears a colourful dress.

02 July 2006

a roomful of mediterranean (i fell in)

a long blonde found spread on th beach.once hairy now a moontide of softshaved
white.and after a million stars tugd her from th bare sky
i took her into my roomful of night closed th curtains and fuckd her for
thirty long minutes that eventually spread across th mediterranean.
to find pink seashells
everyone in th’hostel believed I went to bed 
while i down
to find
a seashell
th blonde hair of down under flung across th beach moon breeze and what
i was really upto and a million stars pulld her across th mediterranean see and stood her
up against th train and stars.
her soft white neck and black bra and blue veins beneath her big breasts so i
took her into my roomful of night and sleeping
memories took her and fuckd her for thirty minutes to nxt yesterday.
be and be at th moon waves and some friends came in at high tide
while th mediterranean became olive oil ha ha ho and she pressd her nearby breasts against
my cock while pirates laughd and raised their swords from a nearby ship.
rock hard
never learnt how to hold hands
oops where were we are walking down th rocky path of love to a small coastal village
and i fell in i fell in a girl or did i fall into a hole in th ground or i fell into hell.love and then
th nxt morning she caught th first lips of a roomful of slumber and after all that talk
of forever crept in and out alone of th first train gone.

in thlovre

had t obe a lovr
Or b eout o life

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